AIMRA no man's land

AIMRA no man's land

AIMRA Tierra de nadie
2022 | 83' | Spain | Documentary
Director: Pedro Pérez-Rosado, Lilian Rosado González
Production company: La Ceiba del Patio
Topics: Women/Mujer, Diaspora
Languages: Spanish

English Synopsis

Western Sahara is a country full of stories. We chose to focus on the Sahrawi women living in Spain, where they have taken up careers in different areas: doctors, nurses, teachers, artists, lawyers, writers. We coexist with them. Some are Muslim, others have strayed away from their original culture, although they remain persistent on defending the most ancestral parts of their traditions. It is a gaze through the exiled Sahrawi woman’s eyes.

Sinopsis Español

El Sahara es un país lleno de historias. Elegimos a la mujer saharaui que vive en España. Donde se han profesionalizado en diversas áreas: médicos, enfermeras, maestras, artistas, abogadas, escritoras. Convivimos con ellas, algunas son islámicas, otras se han alejado de su antigua cultura, aunque continúan empeñadas en defender lo más ancestral de sus tradiciones. Es una mirada de la mujer saharaui en el exilio.


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